What Is The Average Income In Franklin TN?

Definition of "What is the average income in Franklin TN?"

Allison Kennedy real estate agent

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Whether you like music, love nature or you just want to be part of a vibrant community, the state of Tennessee has it all. But, you are not here to find out more about the state as a whole, you are here to find out more about the city of Franklin TN.

Let me start off by saying that it is one of the best suburbs to be living in Tennessee. Want to know why? There are a number of reasons why, and the first thing that hits you as soon as you come to Franklin TN is the family-friendly environment. Not a lot of places can relate to Franklin’s rapidly growing population which shows us that there is a lot more to this town than meets the eye.

The nightlife is amazing, the city is beautiful and the public schools are outstanding. Let’s not forget the fact that there is a lot of culture and history behind the town of Franklin TN which is always an exciting thing to look into. On top of everything, you have a booming economy along with plenty of job opportunities thanks to large companies placing their office here along with many stores and restaurants.

But, can you afford to live in the prosperous town of Franklin TN? The short answer to that question is yes, but let’s elaborate a bit. The job market has witnessed a steady increase until the pandemic, at which point the economy has been affected all around the US and the market place here as well.

But, things are stabilizing and job growth is predicted to increase in the future. Fist of all you have the benefit on no state income tax which means you get to keep more of your hard-earned money. As far as the average income goes in Franklin TN there is an average income of about $40,000 a year per resident and a median household income of about $81,000 per year.

As data would suggest, more than 20% of the population has an income that places them in the $100,000 to $150,000 bracket. This is higher than the state average and higher than the metro average and you can be part of this wealthy community as well by contacting one of our best real estate agents in Franklin TN who will help you settle quickly and without hustle.

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