What Is The Crime Rate In Huntersville NC?
If you’ve ever moved to a new place, then there’s a good chance you know how the process works. You know that there are certain things you need to research before you make the decision that may continue to affect your life for years to come. If you’re moving to the city of Huntersville, NC, you’ve probably come here looking for an answer to some of the questions.
So what are these questions? Well, they might be a number of things. You might ask about the real estate market in order to find out what the median home price is. You could inquire whether the city of Huntersville is a good place to live in general, to make sure you’re making the right decision. But there’s something else you need to know: crime rates.
Crime rates in Huntersville NC
If you had your heart set on moving to Huntersville, then you’ll be pleased to know that this city boasts crime rates substantially lower than the national average. This can be largely attributed to the city’s law enforcement community and public development programs that have been very effective in making the city safe.
Where violent crime rates are concerned, Huntersville excels in having substantially lower crime rates than the national average. With an average of 1.3 violent crime incidents per 1,000 residents per year, violent crimes in Huntersville occur at less than a third the average rate of the country as a whole.
Property crimes in Huntersville also occur at a lower than average rate, although this rate is less impressive than the previous one. At 15.4 incidents per 1,000 residents per year, this rate falls well below the national average of 24 incidents per 1,000 residents per year.
If you think of making this city your home, we hope you’ll take this information into due consideration. If your decision is favorable, then you’ll need to get in touch with the local realtors in Huntersville NC. These experienced real estate agents will do their best to get you into a home that suits your needs in a timely fashion. We hope you enjoy Huntersville!
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