Definition of "What is Tucson known for?"

For the second-largest city in Arizona, Tucson in ways feels like the arty and quirky younger sibling of Phoenix. Located in Pima County which also governs, Tucson, also known as the Old Pueblo, is slightly to the southeast of Phoenix, it's a bigger but not necessarily better sibling and a part of the same Sonoran Desert.

With a population that is just over a half-million, the city of Tucson, AZ manages to still feel like a college town as it houses the University of Arizona, one of the two top-ranked universities in Arizona. The city combines campus life, family life, aerospace communities, and retirees together in a way that makes everyone feel welcomed and a part of this small town-feel community.

Something unique about Tucson

As you can imagine, it isn't easy to settle for one thing that Tucson, AZ is known for. It would be a blasphemy to overlook the amazing weather and uniquely unpolluted night sky but there is something that brings it all together.

That is the Saguaro Cactus. This symbol of Arizona has had its fame reloaded, re-energized, and thrust into the world through those unforgettable Old Western movies. Seen on the silver screen all over the world, many people do not know that those scenes had been filmed a stone's throw away from Tucson, AZ. But most of the world's population know the Saguaro Cactus.

Tucson is the location where you can literally get lost among Saguaro cacti as you leave the city and step into the Sonoran Desert. If you want to be able to experience those sunsets first hand you can get in touch with the real estate agents in Tucson AZ, and find amazing homes where you can be surrounded by them.

Add to that landscape the most amazing sunsets or sunrises that you'll ever have the chance to see and some exciting must-do things in Tucson and you’ll never want to leave this place. Furthermore, the night sky is teeming with stars as the light pollution in Tucson and the surrounding area has been limited. All the most breathtaking views of those unique but world-renowned cacti.

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