What’s The Average Home Price In Bentonville AR ?
Bentonville is situated in the center of one of the fastest growing areas in the United States. Driven by the presence of some of the largest retail companies in the US, business is booming and workers are flocking to the area from all around the country. As people pour into the area for work, one can’t help but wonder whether or not this population boom has affected real estate values in Bentonville AR.
As it turns out, it has! In the past months and years, housing values have shot up exponentially. And it’s not just due to the job boom; it’s also due to the fact that Bentonville is a great place to live, plain and simple. With a low cost of living, excellent climate and ready job availability, Bentonville is simply the place to be!
Are homes in Bentonville expensive?
With such a long and attractive list of pros to living in Bentonville AR , homes must be outrageously expensive, right? Wrong! While property values in Bentonville are rising steadily, homes are still noticeably lower than the national median.
Those with limited budgets will find a unique opportunity to buy property in Bentonville, without going too deep into debt. If you have more monetary resources, you can invest in property and rent to incoming workers seeking to take advantage of the job boom. Whatever your financial situation, whatever you’re looking for, one thing is for certain: realtors in Bentonville AR will have something for you.
So you may wonder if there are homes for sale in Bentonville AR under $100,000? Yes, you may find a foreclosure or short sale at that price however not often enough. So what is the average housing price in Bentonville? Today in 2019, the average housing cost in Bentonville is around two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. While this may seem a bit steep to some, this is still way less than the national average of three hundred and fifteen thousand dollars.
Is it expensive to live in Bentonville AR?
One of the major benefits of living in Bentonville that makes the low housing cost even more attractive is its exceptionally low cost of living. In Bentonville, most of the basic necessities of life are substantially cheaper than in other places across the US. While part of this is due to excellent tax laws in the state of AR, it’s also due in large part to locational factors, such as climate.
Due to Bentonville’s arid, temperate weather, indoor heating and A/C are rarely needed, as the average temperature rarely goes outside of the temperate range. Because of this, you’ll spend far less on utilities like electricity and gas. Food and fuel are also quite inexpensive here, so getting around and staying fed will be no problem at all.
If you’re looking for a place with good job opportunities and a low cost of living, Bentonville AR is the place for you!
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