Oct 11, 2018
Is your son an artist? Because everything my kids do I just find it fantastic! They're so creative!
The other day my youngest was peeing in the garden, my spouse told me to reprimand him, but you know what? He was peeing to irrigate the flowers; he's just worried about nature and it's pretty admirable to have this much environmental awareness at such a young age, don't you think? My daughter leaves all her clothes, school materials and other objects on the floor and, for sure, it's a visual nuisance, plus it's a bit dangerous - the other day I tripped on her skateboard and fell to the floor - but it's okay; I believe in the importance of freedom of expression in your individual spaces and while I was on the floor I noticed how I missed a spot under her bed the last time I cleaned her room, so I call that a win-win.
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