Dogs Or Cats?

<< Real Estate Social

Jun 07, 2018


Dogs 9
Cats 0

Which do you prefer? Vote for your favorite by clicking the image you like and tell us why in the comments below.

This Or That Dogs or CatsDogs Or Cats? Cats Or Dogs? 

Move over Apple vs. Microsoft, Star Wars vs. Star Trek, Kate Perry vs. Taylor Swift... THIS  is internet's fight of the century!

Which side are you on? 

Team Dog will say they are loyal, foolish little beings of love, at the same time they can be fierce and act as a great reliable home security system

Fierce? Have you see a cat when pushed against the wall?! - will counter a member of Team Cat. Cats are great companion too and are the cutest thing when playing and pushing their paws against your belly like a cute little masseuse!

But then team dog will say that cats are not called "man's best friends" and cats will counter that this moniker was coined by jealous humans who couldn't reach the level of complicity (and complexity) cat-relationship demands and the fight will go on and on and on until the end of times. The only way to finish it is by VOTING! Numbers don't lie, people.

Note: All arguments regarding allergy will be disregarded, as they can both cause allergies.

Vote! Defend thy pets honor!
(For the reasonable that will say "Can't I vote for both?" - no, you can't. There's no place for reasoning here. This is war! Vote for the best animal now!)

image of a real estate dictionary page

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