When you're going for that "warmth from the inside out feeling" what is preferred: Cappuccino or Hot Chocolate?

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Dec 04, 2019


Cappucino 7
Hot Chocolate 9

Which do you prefer? Vote for your favorite by clicking the image you like and tell us why in the comments below.

cappucino vs hot chocolate

It’s the first snow of the year, and outside, snow is coming down by the cubic meter, as the wind howls around the house with the sound of a thousand lost souls in agony. Inside the house, your love seat by the fireplace is softly whispering to you, telling you to throw on some fuzzy PJ’s, make a hot drink and curl up on it with a good book. 

After you’ve finished your to do list, you beckon to your furniture’s commands and run to the kitchen to make yourself that warm beverage before you start in on George R.R. Martin’s newest novel (this scenario is set in 2095). But here, you are faced with a choice: do you make yourself a nice cup of hot chocolate for those cozy Christmas vibes, or a creamy cappuccino for a more high-octane, caffeine fueled kick?

Comments for When Youre Going For That Warmth From The Inside Out Feeling What Is Preferred Cappuccino Or Hot Cho

Theresa Hus Theresa Hus said:

Definitely hot chocolate!

Dec 05, 2019  10:45:09

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