Tanya Buccolo
Douglas Elliman

Tanya Buccolo

Douglas Elliman

Agent spoken language: English

Commission percentage: undisclosed

I often say I’m not in the business of real estate, but in the business of making dreams come true. That doesn’t mean finding houses for a buyer or getting the highest amount of money for the seller. Not exclusively, at least. It’s much more than that: it’s caring for their needs, understanding their anxieties, predicting potential pitfalls and basically looking for ways to make the uncertain process of buying or selling a house not only easier, but more enjoyable. In the end, my goal as a Real Estate Agent is to facilitate things for my clients turning a lengthy and complex transaction into a pleasing memory.

Sure, my marketing abilities come in handy – especially in this ever-changing world with new digital trends popping up daily – but my main strength is my credibility. I’ve been working hard on this asset ever since I got my license. I’m constantly studying the market because when my client asks me something I have to have the correct response at the tip of my tongue. I have not only a fiduciary responsibility to my client but also a moral one. So, transparency is really important in my book because, to me, Real Estate is not only about properties and money. It’s about people. I never take for granted the fact that people are trusting me not with their house or apartment; but their home. I take that responsibility seriously and put on a (fair) fight for them.
Over time I have earned the respect and recognition of this community that I love so much. Together with my family, that’s my most prized possession. A dream come true. Remember I said I was in the business of making dreams come true? Well, I don’t intend on waking up from this one. So you can count on me to make your dream come true because by doing so I'll be living a dream of my own. Let’s dream together!


1528 Old Northern Blvd , Roslyn - NY 11576

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Get in touch with Tanya Buccolo.


Real Estate Glossary Terms

When we use the term contingent, we typically imply that something is dependent on another factor. Real estate contingencies make home selling, buying, or even inheriting a property conditional on a particular aspect or event coming true in the real estate industry.  What are the most common a...

Gradual deterioration of land due to nature such as because of floods, hurricanes and storms. Gradual decline in the value of real estate because of poor market and economic conditions....

Coverage on an all risks basis for the insured's own property as well as property of others under the insured firm's care, custody, and control. Exclusions are wear and tear, mysterious disappearance, earthquake, flood, theft from an unlocked and unattended vehicle, loss of market, and delay. For ex...

Loss caused by two or more perils. A certain amount of controversy exists when one of the perils is insured and the other peril is excluded from coverage. Some courts are beginning to find that even if only one of the perils is insured against, the policy providing the coverage for that peril must p...

Real Estate Questions

A qualifying ratio is the percentages a lender compares to see whether you qualify for a loan. ...

The city of Fort Myers is a southwestern city in the state of Florida, that holds a population of ab ...